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Karoo Software Build Version: 1.121.779.3

Posted by Hammerhead . on

Introductions and Enhancements:

  • The data field selector/editor on Karoo has been redesigned. A user will see these changes by single tapping on a data field in the Profiles application to edit the field
  • Improved the route preparation speed for routes generated on Karoo
  • Navigation now allows for an unmatched route section at the start of a route and will prompt the rider as previously done for unmatched sections during a route
  • It is now possible to toggle between the full Workout view and the zoomed-in view by tapping on the general area of the Workout view. Previously, it was necessary to pause a workout to see the full view

    Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed a bug where the RADAR could stop reporting cars even while it was still shown as connected in the Sensors application


    • The account creation screens have been redesigned
    • Starred routes from Strava are now imported by pressing the Sync Routes button on the dashboard routes page

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