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Karoo Software Build Version:

Posted by Hammerhead . on

Introductions and Enhancements:

  • Automatic download of software updates over WiFi. Karoo can now download available software updates when on a recognized WiFi network and then prompt the user to install the update.
  • Added additional support for ANT+ crank-torque and power-only (power meter with PWR profile) power meters.
  • Historic elevation graphic data field introduced. The diagram shows the elevation profile of the five most recent miles recorded.
  • Ride status (in-ride, paused, etc.) now shown in the status bar.  

Bug Fixes:

  • Improvements to increase battery life while Karoo is in sleep mode. Rate of power usage decreased by approximately 50%. Further battery life improvements are possible and in the work queue.
  • Addressed issues with erratic power readings on Stages and Power2Max power meters.  Fixed zero drop on BLTE stages and left/right power spikes on Stages and Power2Max.
  • Better location fixes to smooth ride recordings.  The NLP (Network Location Provider - which is based on WiFi network lookups) service is no longer used in-ride for determining rider position. GPS alone is used to determine a location in a ride and this increases the accuracy of the riders position, reducing “position jumping” which has been reported by some users.

Known Issues Remaining:

  • Though increasingly rare, turn-by-turn directions can fail for some riders, resulting in the “Waiting for instruction” error or other navigation prompt failures. A permanent resolution to this issue is high priority.
  • Offline map downloads failures still affecting some users (workarounds identified, but root cause/fix still being explored).
  • Some users have reported that Strava does not recognize certain segments of rides after upload. It is not clear if this is a Hammerhead/Karoo-based issue or a Strava-based issue, but it is being investigated.
  • Data screens have been reported to “freeze” or be difficult to transition after a ride of approximately 30K or more.

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