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Karoo Software Build Version 1.355.1428

Posted by Hammerhead Team on

Introducing Surface Type Information into the Karoo Ecosystem

Now you can see the proportion of paved vs unpaved surfaces you should expect on your routes.

  • On Karoo this can be viewed on Route Details, and on the Route editor of the Dashboard. 
  • For now, this applies only to routes built or edited on our Dashboard.
    • If you’re navigating, Karoo can also alert you of an upcoming change between paved and unpaved surfaces. You can see every anticipated surface change in the Cue Sheet.
      • This applies to all routes, including those imported by file, synced from a connected account, and generated on Karoo (e.g. route to pin).
      • Note: This feature is off by default! Go to any Outdoor profile’s Turn-by-Turn settings to enable this feature. 


Improved Smart Trainer Connectivity

Some smart trainers broadcast as both a Smart Trainer (which can be controlled) and a simple Power/Speed/Cadence source (which cannot be controlled). The data they broadcast is the same otherwise. With this release, Karoo will now recognize if a smart trainer is broadcasting as both and merge them, so that you always connect to the smart trainer. This prevents pairing to the simple Power broadcast when you intended to pair to the controllable Smart Trainer broadcast.


Removed Rider Profile Settings

We’ve removed the Rider Profile section of Karoo settings, which asked for personal information such as DOB, Height and Sex. We’ve kept Rider Weight, which is needed to calculate Power-to-Weight Ratio if you want to use that data field. You can enter or edit your weight under the Training Values section of Settings.


Bug Fixes:

  • We fixed an issue with the new "Distance remaining" and "Ascent remaining" Graphical Data fields where they could show outrageous values if your Karoo hasn’t acquired a strong GPS signal yet.
  • We’ve fixed a bug with “Switch To Map” where Karoo sometimes failed to switch back to your data page after the turn, even if you didn’t interrupt it.
  • We’ve fixed the issue where saving a shortcut to Dashboard on your mobile phone Home Screen showed up as an all-black icon on both iOS and Android.
  • We’ve fixed a bug that allowed deleted auto-lap pins to continue marking laps for the rest of the ride.


Dashboard Software:

  • We’ve fixed an issue with Route Builder that sometimes prevented placing new waypoints on certain parts of routes.
  • QR Sign-In was broken if you were signed out of your account on Dashboard. We’ve fixed that.
  • Certain Karoos (those on ROM versions prior to 1.229.1085) were unable to check for new updates. We’ve fixed that.
  • We’ve fixed an issue that would prevent your ride from uploading to Dashboard if you took laps in too quick of succession (less than a second apart).
  • We’ve fixed an issue that was preventing third-party uploads for certain user





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