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Karoo Software Build Version: 1.111.726.3

Posted by Hammerhead . on

Introductions and Enhancements:

  • Karoo now supports live tracking. Upon enabling this feature in Karoo’s Settings, an email is sent with a unique link that you can share with whomever you wish to be able to see your location while you’re on a ride
  • Points of interest (POIs) can now be added by right-clicking on the map while creating routes in the Dashboard. POIs are shown on the Dashboard and Karoo
  • RADAR low battery notification now persists until cleared by the rider rather than timing out quickly. This change is to ensure that a rider notices this message when it is generated

    Bug Fixes:

    • Karoo now works with electronic shifting models that allow for a rear derailleur only

      Features and Bug Fixes Still in Progress:

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